[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Often we find organizations that have reached certain size and now wish to grow to next level! However, the saying that “if you do what you have been doing, you will get what you have been getting” is applicable for such organizations. Unless they take a re-look at themselves and transform, they may not find it easy to leap-frog into the next league of growth! It may start with articulating or revisiting your mission, vision and values. But we believe that there is much more to driving growth.
HR Footprints deploys a 3-D framework – Diagnose, Design and Drive – to facilitate the Organizational Transformation process to drive business growth. The emphasis of our process is on enhancing the organizational readiness for growth. Our Transformational methodology is a comprehensive multidimensional process that engages your internal team and handholds throughout the engagement. We also recognize the need for change management during the transformational process and we help organizations facilitate the same with all the sensitivity!

The business benefits that are envisaged from our organizational transformation process include:
o Enhanced visibility about the growth strategy including a well-articulated vision
o Greater alignment of the organization with the strategy
o Hand holding the internal leadership to bring in personal change as well as drive organizational change
o Engaging the internal leadership in driving growth
o Creation of an enabling culture to achieve the long term vision – including a set of business enabling values
o Embedding the HR architecture that supports business performance

We will be your consulting partner in the areas of:
o Defining Vision, Mission & Values
o Organization design – defining job roles; design of level & grade structures
o Competency Framework
o Assessment & Development Centres (ADC)
o Culture building interventions
o Design & implementation of performance management systems

If your organization wants professional help, in organization development interventions we are just a click away! Write to Us![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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