
next-practicesMaking the organizations future-ready and agile call for Next Practices (inspired from Management Guru CK Prahlad!). These next practices are always evolving and HR Footprints continues its research to bring the best of the next practices to you!

Our current focus areas are: Diversity, Values & Culture and Innovation

Diversity Initiatives: Workforce diversity today encompasses not just gender and cultural diversity, but includes aspects of physical disability, orientation & preferences, single parents, age, flexi work etc. Organizations which have a global vision & footprint need to take cognizance of diversity and make conscious attempts to create an inclusive organization culture.

Values Deployment & Culture building: Culture of an organization is a carefully charted plan which is consciously built & led by the leadership in an organization. Culture reflects the vibe & character of a company and a carefully built culture defined by the value system builds the respect an organization commands in the marketplace.

Innovation Management: Differentiation in products & services is the key to market leadership in a competitive business scenario. Managing to create a sustained and continuous culture of innovation is a competitive advantage that organizations need to work towards.

Wish to make your organization future-ready and truly global?
We will be happy to be the next practices partner! Write to Us!


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