Every day when we come out of our clean and tidy homes and travel to our work place, how do we feel when we walk across piles of garbage on the foot path; see people spitting pan on streets? We just feel frustrated and move on.

But when we look around in Bangalore streets, we may find some set of people who call themselves as The Ugly Indians, who take this type of issues as their own problem and end up fixing them on the spot. When one of the spokes person of the group was interviewed by BBC (interview was aired on BBC World Service Radio at 9:10 AM on Wed, Nov 30, 2011), he said that these Ugly Indians call this spot fixing as “The gorilla cleaning campaign” because they do it on their own and no single person takes credit for it. The motto of this group is “Kaam Chaalu… Mooh Band!” which means “Start doing… Stop Talking!”
Goodness exists all around us. It’s only that we need to sense it and act accordingly. Initiatives of this type help us to not only see but also to be a part of goodness. Let us spread and celebrate the goodness around us. So are you ready to “start doing“?
If you would like to share your goodness stories with us, please send them (not exceeding 200 words) to info@hrfootprints.com along with your photograph in high resolution.
We will be happy to review and post it if found suitable!
Article by:
Divya Shalini, L&D Associate,
HR Footprints Management Services Pvt. Ltd.