Take Charge of Your Career

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A webinar titled “Take Charge of Your Career” was delivered by Dr raj, CEO of HR Footprints recently. We had excellent participation during the webinar chat and many points were deliberated.

From the discussion, a few key questions are picked up for more elaboration in these blogs. If you further require clarity, please do write to info@hrfootprints.com and we will be happy to share our perspectives.

Some people stay in the same organization for 15-20 years while some switch for every 3-5 years. Which is good – one should change or not?

Tenure in an organization is one measure that is mostly referred; maybe because it is a quantitative measure and easy to track. However, in a career, there are other measures that are equally important, if not more. Growth, learning, your motivation, and relevance are some of the most important factors to consider while answering the above question.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are you growing in terms of responsibility?
  • Are you learning anything new and upgrading your competence? It could be through training or on-the-job learning; doesn’t matter.
  • Are you waking every morning and have the motivation to go to work?
  • Are you relevant to the organization’s needs?

If the answer to these questions is YES, then there is no need for you to change the job, even if you had spent 15 years. If not, then you may have a reason to contemplate (not yet time to change); why are you not growing, not learning, and not excited to go to work, and why are you losing relevance? Sometimes, the reasons for this scenario could be the way you are interacting with the eco-system around you. If there is any challenge in your approach, then a change of job may not address the problem, because it travels with you.

After contemplating, if you are convinced with the reasons to change, sure – you should change the job. We advise you to keep the following two aspects specifically under your consideration:

  1. Have you made a noticeable contribution to your current organization before shifting the job? You must have a good story to tell – not a sobby story!
  2. Are you clear about the next organization or role that you wish to take up? In the hurry to get out of the current job, one should not settle for anything!

Before concluding this blog post, let us look at a somewhat related question – How doing monotonous work affects the career? Should we keep doing or should we change?

Monotony could be in the nature of the job or in the mind. There are some routines that we have in life and the same is the case with job roles. There are certain processes, procedures, and people who could turn out to be very monotonous. Some people can take advantage of these routines and work on to innovate in their roles.

Looking for variety every day is not good for a career; we will be tempted to hopping, but never be happy. It is better to look for system familiarity and focus more on innovation and variety in the role and contribution. In the instance where the role is also becoming monotonous without any newness or scope for innovation or job rotation, then perhaps it is time to look for a change of organization! Once again, check the two aspects that were mentioned above before changing the job!

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