We have recently seen a round of debate on the suitability of a particular person’s credentials to head a ministry. This brings out the point that many HR managers grapple with: should organizations look for qualification or competence?
It is true that a qualification is awarded to those who demonstrated certain degree of proficiency in a particular field. However, given the challenges in our education system, every qualification may not promise competence. We have many examples where organizations hired expensive resources from premier institutes and later were disappointed with their output. Similarly, we also have instances in organizations where people are denied promotions because they do not possess a qualification. During interviews, we often find people saying that ‘I have a minimal qualification but I have the competence to do the task’. They also keep pleading, “Judge me by my performance”.
It is surely a challenge for HR manager to look for competence beyond qualification. If you have a stronger basis for measuring performance, any qualifications should not discourage those who have competence. Keep tracking this space for more discussions.
Article By: Dr.Raj,
Published in HR Mirror, Hans India
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