In our previous blog we have discussed about the fact why leaders and organizations put emphasis on teamwork. But how can we define a High Performing Team? What makes a team High Performing Team?
What makes Teams High Performing Teams:
There are many authors who formally define High Performing Team (HPTs) in HR literature. From a general understanding, we can decipher the following characteristics of a High Performing Team.

Unified Goal:
All the team members chase one unified goal and they do not pull in different directions. Failure to define a common goal means failure to bring the team members together.
Clarity of Roles and responsibility:
While the goal is unified, the team members need to perform their own specialized activities. Therefore, it is imperative to have clarity as to who does what in the entire supply chain process till the customer is satisfied. High Performing Teams take extra time to minimize the ambiguity or role overlaps, which will create confusion and delay in action. For example, from our pizza example mentioned in the previous blog, imagine that there is confusion as to who should pack the pizza that is prepared – chef in the kitchen or delivery department?
Concern for end goal:
It is often possible to see and hear one saying that “I finished my job” irrespective of whether end goal is achieved or not. In High Performing teams however, the attitude of each of the team member is to ensure that the end goal is achieved and not simply finishing a part of the job. In the same pizza example, what if the chef feels that “my job is done” after he prepared and packed the pizza? The goal is deemed to be achieved only when the pizza is delivered and money is collected.
Customer Centricity:
Every team member in a High Performing Team is constantly engaged in thinking and innovating how the customer needs are met and serviced. Such customer centricity will surely meet with business success.

High Performing Teams will consist of spirited individuals who share an excellent rapport with each other and who carry a sense of maturity in dealing with differences. Healthy relationships at work place will create healthy environment where each member is motivated and energized to perform their best.
Another important characteristic of High Performing Team is seamless communication that helps in better relationships, faster decision making and quicker customer response.
A quick glance at the above features makes it fascinating to imagine a high performing team; however there are many sceptics who question if such High Performing Teams can be seen in practice. To respond to that question it is essential to understand that teams are created by the individuals within the teams and leaders who lead such teams. If each team member understands and behaves in desired way, one can contribute a great deal in bringing synergy in the team.
Keep tracking this space to know more about High Performing Teams.
This Article was published in: HR Mirror,
Hans India.
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