Career, Growth & Development

Impact of leader on your performance

Here is an important question: What do you think influences your performance at the workplace? Question looks simple, but answers could be many. The usual factors that influence the workplace performance are: role clarity, amenities, quality of colleagues, cooperation across various departments, compensation, incentives, my personal competence and motivation. In addition to all the above

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Top 6 characteristics that bind a team together

From our previous discussions, we understand that, when teams fail to become high performing teams, the work environment will be vitiated, focus will be narrowed to one’s own work irrespective of whether the end goal is achieved or not. Members tend to disown accountability and may resort to blame game, throwing allegations at each other.

Top 6 characteristics that bind a team together Read More »

Team Management

Happy Team is a High Performing Team

In our previous blog, we have discussed about what High Performing Teams are and their general characteristics. How does a High Performing Team work in an organization? How can each member of the team give a meaningful contribution? Teams become high performing teams when members come together with a unified goal, clarity of roles and

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