Group discussions

Talent Management

Successfully completed training assignment on “Team Synergy”

We are happy to announce that we have successfully completed training assignment on “Team Synergy” with one of our MNC clients. The sessions were at various locations. During the whole assignment, there has been a lot of learning. There were many insightful thoughts. The session was divided into multiple modules and had a mix of different methodologies like group discussions, case readings, team energizing activities and role plays (which actually brought out the actors from our participants). The training session on “Team Synergy” ended with an excellent quote on execution given by one of our participants. “Strategy without execution is a daydream! Execution without strategy is a nightmare!”

Successfully completed training assignment on “Team Synergy” Read More »

Talent Management

Successfully completed the first module of session on “Team Synergy”!

We have successfully completed three batches of the session with the theme “Team Synergy” for one of our MNC client at various locations. There was a quality mix of insightful group discussions, energetic activities, and participant’s personal reflections. At the end, all our participants stepped out with tremendous amount of learning and satisfaction. We are gearing up for the second module of first batch which will start from tomorrow. We are hoping for all success with the same levels of energy!

Successfully completed the first module of session on “Team Synergy”! Read More »

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