New Year

6 Steps to Make Your Learning Resolutions Work

Happy New Year Folks. Hope you receive in abundance from the universe and reciprocate the same. First of all, congratulation to you for wanting to start this year on a positive note. Whatever your resolution may be either to keep up your reading habits, lose weight, cook more often, enroll for a course or just be active in the social cause – having the intention and purpose to do is the first step. Research says that 80% of the people who set resolutions/ goals tend to off track by the end of the first 2 months the reasons could be many but fundamentally the desire to “doing it” or “keeping up with it” fades. So, here I present the 6 steps to join the 20-percentile club on Making this 2021 count for you. Start off with a 30-Day Challenge: Yeah, it sounds cool right. Translate your resolution into action with 30 days 30 tasks to keep you motivated and learn something new. Ideas that could be of help are: Use Apps to your Advantage Harness the power of smartphones for good. They can make you a lot more productive and engaging if you use them to your stride. Download the app either to set reminders, read more about your resolution, or just collecting your thoughts and experiences to translate into meaningful work for others to read in the future. A line of caution – don’t go overboard. Track, Review and Reward your milestone We often get lost with what we are doing…it’s always good to connect the dots back. In the process of constantly reviewing your resolutions, you will discover how many bite-sized milestones you have achieved. Yeah, your body, the mind needs Serotonin to constantly keep you on track. It’s important to keep your spirits up and celebrate your accomplishments when working towards a goal.  Keep it Vocal You heard it right… talk about your resolutions to your family, friends, colleagues anyone in your comfort zone – what does it do – wonders to reinforce your ownership and accountability. Share your goal — and why it’s important to you can make a whole lot of difference. You will soon start to see how this positive outlook is rubbing on others and the new image that you start to develop. Be forgiving of Yourself There will be off days. Sometimes, life gets in the way and you miss your routine. Never Mind but what you shouldn’t do is lose hope. It’s important to remember that occasional break/ day-offs don’t make your goals out of reach. Jump back to routine with the same dedication and focus on your tasks.   This brings us to the final and the most important step Never Ever Give Up This is your year and your resolution. You have made your mind, given your time, energy, thought, and overcome some of your apprehensions, fear, challenges – yeah, you’ve got this… keep it going. In-case you wish to learn and develop your Behavioural Skills this year do write to us… We have a whole lot of programs that you could take… Will be happy to speak to you. Your Adventure has just begun… Get…Set… Go Our Best Wishes to You.

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Look Back, Look Ahead and Execute

“Before you step out for the New Year’s party, it makes sense to spend half an hour looking back at the year. This is purely a personal exercise and must be done in solitude with all honesty.” Follow Dr. Raj on Twitter @drraj29 It is also helpful to key in your reflections on your computer or smartphone or scribble it down in your diary!  The year is coming to a close; we will never experience the same year again in this lifetime! That does not deter us from our New Year party. Most of us might have planned how we wish to welcome the New Year; where is the party going to be, who is to join and what to wear and so on. Some of us may have the habit of passing New Year resolutions, irrespective of our last year experiences. A better way is to look back, look ahead and execute! Looking back – what does it do? In all these external manifestations of party mood, I do notice an internal reflection and introspection taking place in many people. They may or may not express the same, but the process is on in their thoughts! Looking back at the year that is just concluding is a good habit. It does teach us many things about ourselves.It brings out to the fore our best and worst moments of achievement; it teaches us from our mistakes; it deepens our understanding about our capabilities and our vulnerabilities. It also allows listing down our regrets. Regrets of not doing what we wanted to do and regrets of doing something that was not appropriate to do. Before you step out for the New Year’s party, it makes sense to spend half an hour looking back at the year. This is purely a personal exercise and must be done in solitude with all honesty. It is also helpful to key in your reflections on your computer or smartphone or scribble it down in your diary. As you keep referring to these notes during the next one year, you will notice how valuable these insights are! Looking ahead ­ with hope:  Hope! It is a beautiful phenomenon that we notice in most of the human beings! Perhaps, it is at the core of human existence. Irrespective of how life was during the last year, hope makes us look ahead at the next year with positivity. Though we did not execute many of our resolutions, hope makes us pass some more resolutions for the New Year. Though there has been not much of success at work, hope makes us think that first quarter of the New Year (and the last quarter of the financial year) will be far better. Though the academic performance has nothing much to talk about so far, hope gives us strength to think that we can catch up from now on. As you look at all these examples, we understand how vital HOPE is in our lives. If we failed during the last year, hope makes us strive for success in the New Year. If we were successful during the last year, hope gives us courage to dream bigger in the New Year. On the flip-side, just imagine for a moment how does it work when we lose hope. We tend to give up; we drop our shoulders; we end up in despair; when we do not have hope, we do not look ahead; we essentially get stuck in the past and we suffer in pain. The whole concept of Positive Psychology teaches us the importance of remaining positive and striving with hope. It is at the root of good life and wellbeing. Embark on the New Year with bundles of hope! Execute – be ­the game changer:  While positivity is the frame of mind that we use to look ahead,we need to have discipline to execute what we plan to accomplish in the New Year. If we fail to execute our plans, remember that we are accumulating our regrets for the end of year. Keep a simple target: minimize the number of items that you will include “I should have done“ category; instead, maximize the items under your “I have done“ category. It will surely take you to greater heights!   Having read this article, it is important to act:   First, fix your half an hour slot for you to look back; do with sincerity. Second, irrespective of how the last year has been engage in self-talk and pump in positive hope for the near year. Finally, remember that execution is going to be the game changer! Shed your procrastination. Take the first step and act! Wish you a positive new year! This article was published in:  HR Mirror Hans India Follow us on Twitter @hrfootprints 

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