Career, Growth & Development

The ‘why’ of learning

Several organizations allocate large sums of money towards employee learning initiatives. I noticed a pattern of higher resistance or indifference to learn when there are more choices of learning. Somehow an attitude prevails as if they are mandated to attend irrespective of their personal motivation to learn. Interestingly, where there are not many learning programs,

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image at workplace

Image makeover for increased productivity at work

In our previous blog, we have discussed about two professionals Mini and Ravindra who were wondering what others think of them at workplace. When seen keenly, knowingly or unknowingly, both have created an image at the workplace. Many of us may face this situation and we may not even realize. What contributes to such image

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What image are you creating for yourself at workplace?

Visualize this scenario. An official meeting with all the department members was under progress. The head of the department proposed a new initiative, which requires some additional effort from the members. After explaining the details of the initiative, he openly asked, “Who would like to volunteer to drive this initiative?” Even before any individual opted,

What image are you creating for yourself at workplace? Read More »

Five factors for talented people to think!

In our previous blog we came across Rahul, an extremely talented and enthusiastic young employee. Despite of all these qualities, he had to face an unpleasant feedback from his manager. What actually hampered Rahul’s performance? I like to highlight here particularly five factors that talented people must keep in mind. My success is a factor

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