
leadership what it is not

Leadership – What It Is Not!

Who comes to your mind when we say ‘leader’? Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru, Martin Luther King, Hitler, Obama? To understand leadership we must understand what it is not! Why did they cross your mind? Is it because they made a difference? Had an impact? Mostly yes. From the above two questions we can understand what is leadership.  It is all about creating a ‘lasting impact for the common good’ by channeling the energies of several ‘willing’ followers. Let us delve into the key words. Lasting impact for the common good: The purpose of a leader cannot be self-serving; a true leader needs to include the interests of several other stakeholders. Also, the impact cannot be a bubble; it needs to have sustainability attached to it. Willing followers: A leader must have followers who are willingly behind the leader and not forced into followership. When the followers know that their leader is pursuing their common interests, they willingly follow him/her. In my experience, it is important to know what is leadership; but it is even more critical to understand what it is NOT – so that we take it up as a responsibility and not a reward! Lets us highlight a few NOTs of leadership. Leadership is –  not position and power–  not about having your say–  not about getting things done – somehow or the other–  not about popularity–  not about publicity or visibility–  not simply charisma–  not about the “I” factor Article By: Dr.Raj, Published in HR Mirror, Hans IndiaFollow Dr.Raj on Twitter @drraj29 

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relationship centered leadership

Workshop on Relationship Centered Leadership

Relationships play a very important role in the organizations. In strong and healthy relationships, people show respect and kindness towards each other. Such relationships form a rewarding bond of trust and support. This support leads to successful fulfillment of project or task. When this flavor of ‘relationship centered culture’ is added in leadership, there is a healthy atmosphere prevailing in the organization. Our team successfully completed a half day training workshop on ‘Relationship Centered Leadership’ for one of the leading healthcare providers in India. The program was power packed with high energy self and group reflective activities. The workshop started with serious personal reflections and entered into an energizing group tasks. This brought out the creative juices of the participants. This led to a debate on the importance of ‘Relationship Centered Leadership’. By the end of the session, there was a sense of great satisfaction among the participants. They had discovered an effective tool of leadership. On the other hand, it gave us immense satisfaction of driving home the point! Another successful and satisfactory day at work for us.

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Leadership is Responsibility

During the last few weeks, India has been a happening place. There has been change of governments, emergence of new leaders, impact on the stock markets and to top it all the Indian Premier League! One can read news, watch the television debates and pass time. But a closer look at some of the happenings offer us deeper insights and teach us important lessons. From today and in the coming week, let us discuss a sample of them one by one. Please note that these HR lessons emerge out of my personal interpretations and do not act as any endorsement to any political outfit or individual personalities. Leadership is responsibility: Being a leader is not about power, position and control. Leadership is fundamentally a responsibility. It is a very prime aspect of leadership, but seldom demonstrated by many aspiring leaders. We have seen it happening in one of the national parties where the ‘leader’ decided to delegate responsibility of representing the party in parliament after disappointing results. One cannot be respected as a leader when he/she shirks responsibility after the team failed to deliver. Leading during success is relatively easier than leading during failures. In fact, great leaders emerge stronger by standing by the team during troubled times and thereby resurrecting the lost confidence and morale! Keep tracking this space for more discussions. Article By: Dr.Raj, Published in HR Mirror, Hans IndiaFollow Dr.Raj on Twitter @drraj29

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Goal Setting Workshop For A Leading Footwear Brand

It is one of the greatest responsibilities of the leadership to develop a goal plan which clarifies purpose, strengthens internal processes and challenges the individuals within the organization. Last week, we helped one of our clients (A leading premium footwear brand) in defining performance and devising water tight ‘team and individual goals’ for the current year. This was done by our Goal Setting Workshop. The workshop was attended by entire Senior Leadership Team including the CEO himself. The program began with brainstorming on which parameters to consider for ‘Performance Measurement’ and was facilitated by Dr Raj. It was followed by The Business Model Canvas exercise which aided the teams rediscover their key customers and stakeholders, (both internal and external) and the value proposition they bring in. Using this as the starting point, the Business Expectations from each other were spelled out. With the help of these crucial inputs, the teams could crystallize their business objectives into clearly articulated goals on the Balanced Score Card Format after having weighed all other tools of Performance Management. Overall, a very satisfying and fulfilling day of learning and a successful day of goal setting.

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Do leadership development programs work?

Annually so many millions are spent on leadership training; various learning initiatives are designed and rolled out hoping that leaders develop; do they really work? Can become leaders through such leadership development programs and learning initiatives? Detailed research has been going on to measure the training effectiveness and to track the ROI from leadership development programs. While we may access the quantitative data, here is my take on this issue. Inspire: Participation in any learning event should be considered as a success if it has inspired people to do better and to aim higher. If a training program failed to do even this, it surely is a failure! Introspect: Another feature of successful development initiative is to encourage the participant to introspect; it must create a healthy disturbance in the minds, which will ignite a deeper thought about self and thereby trigger personal change. Initiate: Third benefit that one can expect from a successful leadership initiative is to encourage the participant to take initiative and try out a couple of ideas that might have emerged through the learning program. If one is inspired, introspected and initiated through a development program, one can say that it is a success. After that the business results depend upon the sustained effort of the individual. Sustaining effort is dependent on the person’s motivation and other competencies or personality elements. Article By:  Dr. Raj, C.E.O.,HR Footprints Management Services Pvt.Ltd.

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Completed fourth batch of Leadership Workshop for a Pharma client!

We are glad to say that we have successfully completed the fourth batch of Leadership training workshop “LEAP” for one of our pharma client. The workshop that covered different aspects of leadership like motivation, delegation, coaching etc helped our participants to bring out the true leader in them. “I have got a lot of insights form this workshop. The most important change that I have made in my leadership style is that, I started trusting my team member and delegating some my work to him and also started coaching him for his future success.” – A Participant. The two day workshop that is spread into three modules came to a fabulous conclusion with a concluding speech on Roles & Responsibilities of a leader by a senior member which is followed by certificate distribution to our participants.

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