
Career Break

How to cope with a break in career?

In our previous blog “Managing Career Breaks“, we have discussed about two professionals Harini and Rajesh, who planned to break their careers for different reasons. If the break in career is a planned break, it is somewhat easy to cope with. In Harini’s case, the break was caused due to certain events in her life and she planned for the same. Of course, even Harini had her moments of frustration for not being able to make a mark in her career. Coping with the break has been that much tougher for Rajesh as it was not a planned break. He started experiencing social pressures (neighbors being very curious about Rajesh’s stay at home!), financial pressures (eating into the savings, disturbing financial planning for future), and anxiety as the time is passing. It definitely calls for significant emotional balance to manage oneself; retaining the self confidence and remaining positive about the future. What should be done to manage oneself during the break? Some of the specific suggestions that I offer to people who got into a break which they have not planned include: 1. Occupy oneself – do not remain idle hoping that something will come through2. Join a course3. Catch up with reading4. Take up part time assignment; do not get caught up with designations/money; what you need at this stage is a genuine justification how spent your time during the break; idle time is extremely difficult to justify5. Teach in a college/coaching center related to your field of expertise6. Converse with one close friend and share the inner dialogue7. Do not shut off from the social circuit; instead of projecting a façade that ‘ nothing is wrong with me’ it is more     comfortable to be open about the challenge that one is passing through It is however important to act fast; do not allow time to pass; longer the break, tougher it will be to rebuild! Excerpts from the article – Managing Breaks in Career!By: Dr.Raj, Published in HR Mirror, Hans India.Follow Dr.Raj on Twitter @drraj29

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Talent Management

7-Tips for People Development

During the growth journey, a stage comes in career where you need to go through a transition period. Most important transition is when you move from being an individual contributor to becoming a manager of a team. While there are many newly added responsibilities, developing team members is one of the most important responsibilities of managers. In our previous blog published on 5th of May, we came across an abridged version of tips for effective people development and management. Let us look at them in detail now. How to develop team members:  1.  Genuine interest in people development:  Firstly, ask yourself – are you genuinely interested in developing people? Doing it as a compulsion of your job is unlikely to give you best results.  We come across some managers who are very comfortable with team members who are ready to perform; they do not like to spend time grooming them; such managers will not be genuine in their attempts in developing team members. They may simply do the talking about development but they do not demonstrate in their behavior. 2.  Believe and inculcate belief:  Have belief in your team members’ potential; More importantly, inculcate self-belief in them too; “Don’t you know even this much?” is a sure way of killing their confidence. It is only when you demonstrate a belief that your team members are capable of much more that they challenge themselves and discover their potential. I have seen managers who genuinely believe that their team members have more capability and push them into taking up higher responsibilities. In due course, the team members develop self-confidence.  3. Risk-taking: Take risks by assigning tasks that are beyond their immediate competence; they need to learn and discover themselves. Your team members need to understand that by discussing about swimming on the poolside, they can never learn swimming. They need to plunge in and test the waters. For them to take a plunge, you need to own the risk and give them an assurance that you are there for them to fall back. Otherwise, the fear of failure and the consequences attached to it will hold the team members back. 4.  Be realistic: Be patient; they may not take off instantly. Can you grow the plant in your garden by pouring more and more water? It has its natural cycle of development. There is no point in losing cool and getting restless. Demand more, yet be realistic that they need time to learn and come up to speed. If you are hassled about their development, it will only result in stress at both ends. 5.  Coaching style of working: Correct their mistakes through discussion than review; correcting them without affecting their confidence is the key. I have seen managers who wait for team members to make a mistake, highlight it and tell them how better they are than their team members. It is a sure path to kill the confidence. Managers must remember that they are in the process of enhancing the capability and not highlighting how incapable the team member is.  6. Visibility & Credit: Give credit for good work done – however small it is; it simply reinforces “I can do” attitude. Early success will only create greater confidence. Be on the look out and openly tell the world how your team member has enhanced his or her performance. It will be very inspiring to the team member and the speed of development will increase! Do not be greedy to share the credit; make it their moment of celebration. You will be surprised to see how you get the credit – not for finishing a task, but for developing your people.  7.  Help them to help you: It is true that you are helping your team members to learn and grow; it is also true that it is a time consuming effort before you actually see any gains. However, remember that your success is when your team members succeed! You will be able to scale up when your team members are able to scale up. It is therefore important to note that managers are also the beneficiaries in the long run. Those managers who deliver higher productivity are surely rewarded; however, those managers who focus on people development are remembered! They grow into becoming inspiring leaders in their careers! This Article was published in HR MirrorHans India.Follow Dr.Raj on Twitter @drraj29 

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Completed fourth batch of Leadership Workshop for a Pharma client!

We are glad to say that we have successfully completed the fourth batch of Leadership training workshop “LEAP” for one of our pharma client. The workshop that covered different aspects of leadership like motivation, delegation, coaching etc helped our participants to bring out the true leader in them. “I have got a lot of insights form this workshop. The most important change that I have made in my leadership style is that, I started trusting my team member and delegating some my work to him and also started coaching him for his future success.” – A Participant. The two day workshop that is spread into three modules came to a fabulous conclusion with a concluding speech on Roles & Responsibilities of a leader by a senior member which is followed by certificate distribution to our participants.

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Are you ready to be coached?

“In our experience, there has been ample evidence on the success of coaching engagement wherever openness and commitment were present!” – Dr. Raj Follow Dr. Raj on Twitter @drraj29 Many organizations these days are choosing ‘coaching’ as a vehicle for manager or leader development. They engage a coach – usually a professional from outside – who will have a series of dialogues with the identified managers on a one-to-one basis over a period. Coaching process will have its own metrics or indicators to track the progress. Before we get down to tracking and measuring, there is a very important aspect that will determine the success of the coaching engagement. Readiness on the part of the manager is essential to reap the benefits out of coaching.  Two specific behaviors that indicate whether you are ready to be coached are: Openness: One must be open to be coached Manager need to go into coaching with an open mind that there is something to be learnt or improved. Openness is also required to ideas that emerge during the coaching conversations. Openness is also required to receive feedback from the coach. Commitment: One must be committed for improvement: Commitment is required firstly to stick to the coaching schedules. Commitment is essential to try out fresh ideas or perspectives that might emerge from the coaching conversations. Finally, commitment is required to improve oneself. So, are you ready to be coached on your way up the ladder. Try and implement the mentioned behaviors to ensure maximum learning and development. Follow us on Twitter @hrfootprints  

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