Micromanagement and its side effects

It is fascinating to come across some managers who take pride in micromanagement. Don’t understand what is micromanagement? Read some of these behaviors and you will understand. A manager wants to see every mail that goes from your mailbox A manager wants to know who you were speaking to when he could not get you on phone He/she wants to see your presentation that you are making to your team He/she wants to know exactly what you are going to be speaking when you will be meet his boss. This same person wants to suggest what should be the color scheme on your slides and what should be the width of your spreadsheet Or even wants to call you every one hour even if he/she is on travel or holiday just to check what you are doing   Got it? In all probability you would have come across such micro-managers around you, if not having one such boss for yourself! How does it feel to have a micro-manager as your boss? What does it do to you? What does it do to the manager?  Think about it! If you would like to share your thoughts on this topic, please send your comments (not exceeding 200 words) to info@hrfootprints.com along with your photograph in high resolution. We will be happy to review and post it if found suitable! _ Article by:Dr. Raj,CEO, HR Footprints Management Services Pvt. Ltd. Follow Dr. Raj on Twitter @drraj29

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