clarity of roles and responsibilities

Top 6 characteristics that bind a team together

From our previous discussions, we understand that, when teams fail to become high performing teams, the work environment will be vitiated, focus will be narrowed to one’s own work irrespective of whether the end goal is achieved or not. Members tend to disown accountability and may resort to blame game, throwing allegations at each other. every time a situation like this arises it is common for the team members to look at the leader to fix the situation. Is it only the leader’s responsibility to keep the whole team together? Do teams have no owns towards the team performance? To answer these questions, let us see how each member of the team can make a meaningful contribution for the team to become high performing team. Here are the top 6 characteristics that bind a team together. Unified goal: It is said that a commonly shared goal will act as a binding force and knits the members together. Now, who should spell out the unified goal? Is the onus on the leader alone? Here while the leader needs to help the team understand the overall goals of the organization, each member can have a contributory role in clearly articulating the common goal. Clarity of roles and responsibilities: Here the onus is equally shared between the leader and the member; it is the leader who should fundamentally clarify while the team member should also make necessary efforts to seek clarity. Passively waiting for the leader to communicate is not going to help the team member. Concern for the end goal: Here the onus is greatly on the team member, it is not sufficient to say that “I have done my job” unless the end goal is achieved successfully. Team member needs to perform the specifically assigned responsibility while keeping an eye on how it is going to contribute to the bigger goal. Customer centricity: Once again, each team member needs to make efforts to understand who the end customer and who the immediate customer is. For example, for a procurement executive, production department may be the immediate customer; however, the procurement executive will be able to contribute to high performance of the team if he/she is equally concerned about the end consumer who may not be directly visible. Relationships: It is common sense, though difficult to measure in quantitative terms, the negative impact of poor relationships among the team members. Lack of positive relationships slows down the business process, hinders information sharing and creates unhealthy organizational dynamics. And these go completely against the spirit of high performance. Therefore, team members need to learn to build informal relationships with peers proactively which will create a healthy work environment and contribute to high performance. Communication: This is almost an extension of earlier point; if there are healthy relationships, there will be seamless communication and better knowledge sharing and alignment among the team members. Each member can take initiative on fostering transparent communication rather than restricting oneself to transaction nature of communication. Responsible and professional team members need to therefore understand that they have a very significant role in creating a team culture and in building a high performing team. While one cannot undermine the role of a leader, one should not trivialize the onus that lies on every team member. One must realize that self-management is more sustainable than relying on one single leader. The above characteristics effectively bind a team together. The message to each team member – irrespective of level in the hierarchy is: “You will be the architect in co-creating a high performing team which makes it easy for you to professionally excel and contribute to higher business performance.”  This article was published in HR MirrorHans IndiaFollow Dr.Raj on Twitter @drraj29

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Team Management

Happy Team is a High Performing Team

In our previous blog, we have discussed about what High Performing Teams are and their general characteristics. How does a High Performing Team work in an organization? How can each member of the team give a meaningful contribution? Teams become high performing teams when members come together with a unified goal, clarity of roles and responsibilities, customer centricity, concern for end – goal, relationship and communication among the team members. In short, a happy team is a high performing team. Such high performing teams make the workplace much more compelling for the individual besides delivering business performance. On the other hand, when teams fail to become high performing teams, the work environment will be vitiated, focus will be narrowed to one’s own work irrespective of whether the end goal is achieved or not. Members tend to disown accountability and may resort to blame game, throwing allegations at each other. Many a times, when teams experience such dysfunctional aspects in a team, the members of the team tend to look upwards expecting a leader to arrive and repair the situation. They believe that it is the leader’s responsibility to bring the members together and build a high performing team. It is true that a leader has to shoulder the responsibility; however, it is important to recognize that team culture is something that every member contributes along with the leader. It is important for each member to mirror oneself and check if he/she is demonstrating behaviors that help make the team a high performing one. Keep tracking this space to explore what and how every member can make a meaningful contribution for a team to become a happy team and a High Performing Team.  This Article was published in: HR Mirror,Hans India.Follow Dr. Raj on Twitter @drraj29

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