Understanding Competency Framework

In the previous post, we understood  with an example what is competency and the need of skill, knowledge and attitude to become competent. Lets understand how organizations use competency framework. How do organisations use competency framework? Organisations that use competency based Human Resources practices will have a competency framework (a set of competencies that enable superior performance) for each role. It is a rigorous process to define a set of competencies for a given role. Such rigor is essential because the framework becomes the basic template for several people related decisions. For example, organisations can use this framework during the hiring process. They can use it internally to identify their high potential employees for the future. They can also use it to filter candidates for promotions. In some organisations, there is a differential pay if you score higher on the competencies required for the job. Essential benefit of competencies within the organisation is to ensure uniform understanding of what is expected to perform very well in a given job. It is not left to the individual manager’s judgment. What is in it for you? If you are an aspiring candidate from outside, you may not have access to the competency framework unless you managed to talk to someone. Alternatively, go on to the internet and Google for “generic competencies for any role“; most likely you will get a list; you can then prepare yourself against those competencies. If you are an insider and never paid much attention to competency framework, you approach the HR manager or your intranet to check your organisation’s competency framework. It helps you answer the question “what makes me competent” in your current or next role. Watch out this space to know about competence and qualifications. This article was published in:  HR Mirror, Hans India 

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