
Five factors for talented people to think!

In our previous blog we came across Rahul, an extremely talented and enthusiastic young employee. Despite of all these qualities, he had to face an unpleasant feedback from his manager. What actually hampered Rahul’s performance? I like to highlight here particularly five factors that talented people must keep in mind. My success is a factor of many other people: Talented people need to appreciate the fact that, their success needs a lot of support and contribution from others. There is a whole support system that enables them to utilize their talent and deliver results. They need to shed the arrogance or self-in-flatting feeling that they are great performers. No business result can ever be achieved with singular contribution. Rahul perhaps needs to release this facts and start respecting the contribution of others. My colleagues need to accept me before they support me: Building on the earlier point, once the talented individual realized that their contribution needs the support of others; they need to explore ways of gaining the acceptance of others in the system. If the colleagues do not accept them, they will not be forth coming to support the talented people. The talented people may face the problem of getting alienated. Therefore Rahul needs to work on building the Rapport and relationship to seek support. Many a times, talented people relay on systems and processes to get support. They argue that people need to support them because process demands. But human behavior does not exactly operate the same way. They need to appreciate the human needs and build those affiliations so as to get the required support. My attitude towards less talented people determines my success: Talented people become impatient and restless when others in the system do not match to their talent. However it is the fact that organizations consist of top talent and somewhat mediocre performers. They cannot look down upon those less talented people. They may do well to help them become more efficient. In the meanwhile, they have to learn to be patient and get things done. By talking in an insulting manner, they may encourage resistance. My pace of work depends on the team’s pace: There is no point in losing the patience at the pace of the team. Talented people need to realize that the final delivery pace depends on the weakest link in the team. If they can do anything to improve it, they should do to uplift the team by encouraging them. Talented people tend to blame the system saying that it is because of them, they are not able to deliver. They need to act like leaders. My ability to lead my colleagues determines my success: Talented people cannot be successful just because of their domain and functional knowledge. They cannot succeed by criticizing and turning cynical about the system. They become successful because of the ability to lead the colleagues. Leading your peers is not going to be an easy task because they are not reporting to you. Colleagues listen to you only when you earn their respect. You need to master the art of influencing without authority and get the buy-in of colleagues. Finally, talented people need to broad base their talent; they can achieve success by leading the team to succeed! Article – “What derails people despite their talent?”By: Dr.Raj, Published in HR Mirror, Hans India.Follow Dr.Raj on Twitter @drraj29 

Five factors for talented people to think! Read More »

Don’t work only for money!

“To learn how to enjoy work, we must ask ourselves a deeper question why do we work.”  Follow Dr.Raj on twitter  @drraj29 Do we want to spend one-third of our life in sadness, despair, misery and frustration? If the answer is an obvious no, then we need to find ways of making our work a joy, for one-third of our life is spent at work or preparing for it. It is not only one-third of life ­ we must realize the impact of the one-third on the remaining two-third of life. If work has to be joyful, then we must do what we enjoy doing. As the old saying goes if you enjoy your work, you do not have to work. To learn how to enjoy work, we must ask ourselves a deeper question why do we work. Why do we work? Whenever I asked this question, people think that it is a redundant one. But let us realize that work is much more than making money. In this context, we tend to think of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The question then is whether we work because we need money, name, fame, status or do we work to satisfy our inner calling, or to contribute towards humanity? Interestingly, whatever might be our drive or need, work is our means to achieve the same. Work is our way to make money, to learn, to express our talents, to have a social interaction, to attain status, to earn respect and so on. When work can give us so much, then our outlook towards work must be that of joy! Work and Joy of Living! If we define what gives us joy, then we can recognize that we tend to use work as a means to joyful living. Also, if we understand what drives us to work, we will automatically be able to identify the factors that do not drive us to work. Such understanding will help analyse the reasons for dissatisfaction with work. Imagine the internal dilemma that one faces after a few years of working ­ what am I doing this for? Is this all for money? Fame? Status? Is it really worth my lifetime? Then dawns the `proper selfishness’ in the words of Charles Handy.They discover themselves, realign their work and move towards joyful living. They have succeeded in making a mid course correction to their life strategy. On the contrary, imagine the plight of those who put this question to themselves a little late in their life. They hardly have an opportunity to redefine the meaning of their work. They end up cursing work, hating their boss and organisation, waiting for weekend and so on. It simply means that they have decided to spend one – third of life only to make money and foregoing the opportunity to derive joy of living! What should one do? Gaining deeper understanding of oneself, articulating personal vision, and remaining goal focused are necessary to embark on a purposeful and joyful living. Individuals may seek professional advice on these aspects to lay a solid foundation to their work. Individuals should also be conscious of other factors that may induce oscillation of thoughts. Seeing success through others’ lens or redefining success from time to time will surely dither the pursuit of joyful working. It does not mean that one needs to be rigid in one’s own definition of goals or means, but any redefinition has to be triggered out of greater self awareness rather than getting generated out of comparison or jealousy! A deep conviction in the vision and strong will power to realize the vision are necessary to overcome any hurdles in the process. Individuals who are able to align work with joyful living are the ones who experience a sense of fulfillment. They are most likely to skip the feeling of emptiness towards the fag end of their lives. The earlier one excavates one’s own drive to work, the better vision towards life. Cases of running after wrong targets will be minimized. We will have individuals who are lot more contented; yet achieving what they wanted. After all, joyful living is what one defines for oneself. Work is a vehicle to pursue the journey of joyful living! It is a sure way of tuning right attitude towards work! This article was published in:  HR Mirror Hans India Follow us on Twitter @hrfootprints

Don’t work only for money! Read More »

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