

Opportunities For HRBP To Add Value

In our previous blogs we have discussed about the structure of HR function and the role of HRBP. Let us look at the specific opportunities for HRBP to add value in organization. Specific Opportunities for HRBP to Add Value: There are many areas of business, which can benefit from the expertise of HRBP. Some of the examples are given below. Organizational Structuring: It may not happen frequently; but when it is required, HR professionals can come up with alternatives to structure the organization so as to facilitate smooth business functioning with specific accountabilities. A well-designed organizational structure can go a long way in facilitating business performance. Manpower Planning: This is another area where HRBP can add tremendous value. It is not only about the head count and cost optimization but also the profile of people to suit the business needs. A poorly conceived or ill-executed manpower plan can directly impact the business performance. Performance Management: In line with the business goals, an effective performance management system has to be put in place by the HRBP. The primary objective is to cascade the business plans to different departments within the business and then to each individual. A business-aligned goal setting process can significantly facilitate the drive for performance. Career Management: A critical role for HRBP will be to mesh the succession planning for business and career planning for the individuals. By doing so, HRBP can balance the interests of the business and the aspirations of the employees. Employee Engagement: Another important value addition from HRBP is in the area of engaging employees. Finding innovative ways to pep up the work place and create greater engagement with the organization will go a long way in sustaining performance and retention of talent. Are you convinced that HR can be truly a business partner? When you go over the role expectations of an HRBP, it does look interesting and rich in content.  There is certainly scope to add value and facilitate business performance. Even Professor Dave Ulrich formally captured ‘Business Partner’ as an important role of HR that focuses on futuristic needs of the business.  However, same conviction is not seen consistently among those who play the role of HRBP.  I am not sure what could be the challenge; but it could be that there is role erosion because business people take over most of those people issues or the person who plays the HRBP could not measure up to it. Any person aspiring to excel in HR Business Partner role needs to acquire specific competencies. Let us discuss them next week!  Article – “What exactly is HR Business Partner?”By: Dr.Raj, Published in HR Mirror, Hans India.Follow Dr.Raj on Twitter @drraj29

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Growing talent is like growing a plant

Whenever we talk about Talent Management and growing talents in organizations, I always recall this story. There was this man who was determined to grow plants that give beautiful flowers in his garden. He went to the market and inquired about the best seeds available. Upon recommendation by others and his own physical examination, he chose to buy a particular variety. He and his family were so excited to sow the seeds. They watered the soil, dug the ground, planted the seeds, and watered again. His son was so excited about the plant that he protected the area with a grill. Next day, everyone got busy except the father and the son. They inspected the place and noticed that the soil was still wet. They decided to water the area again in the evening. This routine continued for a couple of days. Next day morning when they went to inspect the area, the scene was same – some traces of water on the soil and nothing more. The man got a doubt why the seed was not sprouting out. He restrained himself for another day. But the next day, when he saw the same status, he could not resist. He and his son dug up the soil to check what the seed was doing. There was a trace of pale green colored plant spouting out from the seed. It was so tender that it could not face the direct sun shine. The father and son felt comfortable that something was happening and therefore placed the soil again and watered. But due to the intrusion into the growth process, it got affected and slowed the growth. After a few days, the man got really restless and dug up the soil again. He had now seen a small plant about to break the ground and come onto the surface. However, unwittingly, while digging it out, the man hit the root of the plant and it seriously damaged. Left alone, it could have grown in a few days. But due to the restlessness of the man, it got killed. A promised seed could not grow into a plant due to the impatience of the man! Now, if you draw parallels to this story with the talent growing and grooming process in organizations, doesn’t sound very similar? The impatience of the leaders does not allow promising talent to emerge into established competence. They hurry the process of growth which may fundamentally affect the growth of the individual! Due to the suffocation and early exposure to complex situations, the professionals with good potential will turn into failures. In our anxiety to get the best out of our potential talent, we may fundamentally kill their talent. Had the man showed some patience, the seed would have grown into a plant and then into a tree for lasing benefits! Blog Author : Dr Raj

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