Careers & Concerns

Career Choice

It is hard to own your career choices…but not difficult!

In our last blog we discussed about how different people influence our lives and our career choices and decisions. In this context, we have stated an example where a lady wants her daughter to study CA as her career, just to align with the family pattern even though her daughter is interested in engineering. Similarly,

It is hard to own your career choices…but not difficult! Read More »

Self Assessment

Do you feel small when you see someone better than you?

In our professional career, we often come across people who are better than us in some aspects. They may be better presenters, they are more knowledgeable, they may be more aggressive, they are better in building relationships or they may be better in achieving results. When you come across such people, how do you feel?

Do you feel small when you see someone better than you? Read More »

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